IF 收录期刊
Authors Bello AE, Perkins EL, Jay R, Efthimiou P
Received 5 January 2017
Accepted for publication 8 February 2017
Published 31 March 2017 Volume 2017:9 Pages 67—79
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OARRR.S131668
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Professor Chuan-Ju Liu
Abstract: Methotrexate (MTX) remains the cornerstone therapy for patients with
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), with well-established safety and efficacy profiles
and support in international guidelines. Clinical and radiologic results
indicate benefits of MTX monotherapy and combination with other agents, yet
patients may not receive optimal dosing, duration, or route of administration
to maximize their response to this drug. This review highlights best practices
for MTX use in RA patients. First, to improve the response to oral MTX, a high
initial dose should be administered followed by rapid titration. Importantly,
this approach does not appear to compromise safety or tolerability for
patients. Treatment with oral MTX, with appropriate dose titration, then should
be continued for at least 6 months (as long as the patient experiences
some response to treatment within 3 months) to achieve an accurate
assessment of treatment efficacy. If oral MTX treatment fails due to
intolerability or inadequate response, the patient may be “rescued” by switching
to subcutaneous delivery of MTX. Consideration should also be given to starting
with subcutaneous MTX given its favorable bioavailability and pharmacodynamic
profile over oral delivery. Either initiation of subcutaneous MTX therapy or
switching from oral to subcutaneous administration improves persistence with
treatment. Upon transition from oral to subcutaneous delivery, MTX dosage
should be maintained, rather than increased, and titration should be performed
as needed. Similarly, if another RA treatment is necessary to control the
disease, the MTX dosage and route of administration should be maintained, with
titration as needed.
Keywords: bioavailability, dosing,
gastrointestinal, polyglutamation, subcutaneous