
Humanistic and economic burden of nausea and vomiting among migraine sufferers


Authors Gajria K, Lee LK, Flores NM, Aycardi E, Gandhi SK

Received 14 October 2016

Accepted for publication 13 January 2017

Published 24 March 2017 Volume 2017:10 Pages 689—698

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S124683

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Lucy Goodman

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Michael Schatman

Background: While studies have demonstrated the economic burden of migraines in terms of quality of life, health care resource use (HRU), and costs, there exists a notable paucity of data comparing such outcomes among migraineurs with nausea and vomiting (N/V) and those without. The current study aimed to address this gap.
Methods: This was a retrospective study using data from the 2013 US National Health and Wellness Survey, a cross-sectional, internet-based survey. Respondents self-reported their migraine with or without N/V along with demographics and outcomes including depression (Patient Health Questionnaire total score; PHQ-9), sleep problems (11-item total score of sleep problems), HRU (number of physician visits, emergency room [ER] visits, and hospitalizations) and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment-General Health Scale (WPAI-GH), and associated mean annual costs. Generalized linear models, adjusting for covariates, assessed the burden of N/V on all outcomes.
Results: Among all migraineurs (N=7,855), 73.4% were female, mean age was 41.82 years old, and 57.6% reported experiencing N/V. Adjusting for covariates, migraineurs with N/V vs without N/V had higher mean PHQ-9 scores (7.91 vs 7.02, <0.001) and mean sleep problems (3.29 vs 2.64, <0.001). Mean ER visits were more frequent among migraineurs with N/V than those without N/V (0.48 vs 0.38, =0.001). This difference translated into a 26.3% increase in estimated mean ER costs (N/V=US$1,499 vs without N/V=US$1,187, =0.002). Mean percentage activity impairment was higher in migraineurs with N/V than in those without N/V (37.73% vs 35.12%, =0.002) and migraineurs with N/V had higher work productivity loss costs (N/V=US$10,344 vs without N/V=US$9,218, =0.016).
Conclusion: Migraine patients with N/V reported worse depression, sleep problems, and activity impairment, and higher ER visits than those without N/V. Migraine with N/V was also associated with an increase in mean annual ER visit costs and work productivity loss costs. Study findings suggest unmet needs with current treatment options for migraine patients with N/V.
Keywords: migraine, nausea, vomiting, depression, work productivity, healthcare resource use, costs