
抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯/ d- α -生育酚酸聚乙二醇 1000 琥珀酸 (TPGS) 单酯复合胶束用于长循环和在体内外抗肺癌治疗中 compound K 的靶向递送


Authors Zhang Y, Tong D, Che D, Pei B, Xia X, Yuan G, Jin X

Received 7 August 2016

Accepted for publication 21 November 2016

Published 16 January 2017 Volume 2017:12 Pages 605—614

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S119226

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single-blind

Peer reviewers approved by Dr Akshita Wason

Peer reviewer comments 4

Editor who approved publication: Dr Linlin Sun

Abstract: The roles of ginsenoside compound K (CK) in inhibiting tumor have been widely recognized in recent years. However, low water solubility and significant P-gp efflux have restricted its application. In this study, CK ascorbyl palmitate (AP)/d-α-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate monoester (TPGS) mixed micelles were prepared as a delivery system to increase the absorption and targeted antitumor effect of CK. Consequently, the solubility of CK increased from 35.2±4.3 to 1,463.2±153.3 µg/mL. Furthermore, in an in vitro A549 cell model, CK AP/TPGS mixed micelles significantly inhibited cell growth, induced G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest, induced cell apoptosis, and inhibited cell migration compared to free CK, all indicating that the developed micellar delivery system could increase the antitumor effect of CK in vitro. Both in vitro cellular fluorescence uptake and in vivo near-infrared imaging studies indicated that AP/TPGS mixed micelles can promote cellular uptake and enhance tumor targeting. Moreover, studies in the A549 lung cancer xenograft mouse model showed that CK AP/TPGS mixed micelles are an efficient tumor-targeted drug delivery system with an effective antitumor effect. Western blot analysis further confirmed that the marked antitumor effect in vivo could likely be due to apoptosis promotion and P-gp efflux inhibition. Therefore, these findings suggest that the AP/TPGS mixed micellar delivery system could be an efficient delivery strategy for enhanced tumor targeting and antitumor effects.
Keywords: ginsenoside CK, ascorbyl palmitate, TPGS, mixed micelles, anti-tumor therapy