IF 收录期刊
Authors Gong X, Wu J, Wu J, Liu J, Gu H, Shen H
Received 7 August 2016
Accepted for publication 3 December 2016
Published 10 January 2017 Volume 2017:10 Pages 271—276
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S119244
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Akshita Wason
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Samir Farghaly
Objective: SASH1 is a member of the SH3/SAM adapter molecules family and has been
identified as a new tumor suppressor and critical protein in signal
transduction. An ectopic expression of SASH1 is associated with decreased cell
viability of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to explore the
association between SASH1 expression and the ultrasonographic features in
breast cancer.
Patients and methods: A total of 186 patients diagnosed with breast cancer
were included in this study. The patients received preoperative ultrasound
examination, and the expression of SASH1 was determined using
immunohistochemistry methods. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was used to
analyze the correlation between SASH1-positive expression and the
ultrasonographic features.
Results: The positive expression of
SASH1 was observed in 63 (33.9%) patients. The positive expression rate of
SASH1 was significantly decreased in patients with breast cancer (63/186,
33.9%) compared with controls (P <0.001). The
positive expression rate of SASH1 was significantly decreased in patients with
edge burr sign (P =0.025), lymph node metastasis (P =0.007), and a blood flow grade
of III (P =0.013) compared with patients
without those adverse ultrasonographic features. The expression of SASH1 was
negatively correlated with edge burr sign (P =0.025), lymph
node metastasis (P =0.007), and blood
flow grade (P=0.003) of the patients with
breast cancer.
Conclusion: The expression of SASH1 was inversely correlated with
some critical ultrasonographic features, including edge burr sign, lymph node
metastasis, and blood flow grade in breast cancer, and decreased SASH1
expression appears to be associated with adverse clinical and imaging features
in breast cancer.
Keywords: SASH1,
breast cancer, ultrasound