
青藤碱通过 Keap1/Nrf2/NF-κB 信号通路抑制炎症和氧化应激,改善 IL-1β 诱导的大鼠椎间盘退变


Authors Lu G, Zhang C , Li K, Gao K, Fu M, Lyu C, Quan Z

Received 25 August 2023

Accepted for publication 17 October 2023

Published 20 October 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 4777—4791

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/JIR.S430423

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Tara Strutt

Purpose: To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying the inhibitory effect of sinomenine (SN) on interleukin-1β (IL-1β)-induced apoptosis in nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs), and to evaluate the potential role of SN in preventing intervertebral disk degeneration (IDD).
Methods: The Rat NPCs were cultured in vitro and identified using Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining, toluidine blue staining, and immunofluorescence analysis. NPCs were pretreated with or without SN, then induced with IL-1β to assess cell viability, ROS levels, apoptotic rates, and wound healing ability. Relevant protein expression was detected using Elisa, qPCR and Western Blot techniques. NPCs were pretreated with SN, either alone or in combination with Nrf2-IN-1 or SC, before being induced to undergo apoptosis by IL-1β. Apoptosis was detected using Hoechst staining, while qPCR and Western Blot techniques assessed protein expression. Rat caudal intervertebral discs were induced with IDD, with or without SN injection, and then co-injected with IL-1β. The levels of IDD were evaluated using HE staining and modified saffron-O-fix green cartilage staining. Relevant protein expression was detected using Elisa, qPCR, and Western Blot techniques.
Results: IL-1β significantly reduced NPC activity, induced ROS accumulation and apoptosis, decreased cell healing rate, promoted the expression and secretion of inflammatory factors, and inhibited extracellular matrix synthesis. However, pretreatment with SN effectively reversed these effects. Inhibition of the Keap1/Nrf2 signaling pathway or activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway significantly attenuated the cytoprotective effects of SN and increased apoptosis. Acupuncture combined with IL-1β injection markedly induced intervertebral disc degeneration in rat caudal spine, upregulated inflammatory factors expression and secretion, and downregulated extracellular matrix synthesis. SN intervention notably enhanced antioxidant enzyme expression and reversed these outcomes.
Conclusion: SN can prevent IL-1β-induced apoptosis of NPCs and ameliorate IDD by activating the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway and inhibiting the NF-κB signaling pathway.
Keywords: sinomenine, intervertebral disc degeneration, nucleus pulposus cells, apoptosis, Nrf2, NF-κB