


Authors Tan HL, Liu Y, Zhu GC, Pi LM, Huang DH, Zhang X

Published Date September 2014 Volume 2014:7 Pages 1535—1540

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S66145

Received 14 April 2014, Accepted 9 June 2014, Published 4 September 2014

Objective: To investigate the pathology and pathogenesis of and treatment methods for temporal bone verrucous carcinoma.
Materials and methods: A single-patient report of verrucous carcinoma on the left external auditory canal is presented and analyzed along with all cases of temporal bone verrucous carcinoma that have been documented in the English literature.
Results: Most of the patients with verrucous carcinoma of the temporal bone have histories of surgery, trauma, or infection, and verrucous carcinomas are sensitive to antimicrotubule chemotherapeutic medicines. Adjuvant radiation therapy is not effective, but surgical treatment might be relatively more effective.
Conclusion: Temporal bone verrucous carcinoma has a poor prognosis; therefore, the preferred treatment is surgical resection facilitated with antimicrotubule chemotherapeutic treatment. Adjuvant radiation therapy is not a preferred treatment for temporal bone verrucous carcinoma.

Keywords: verrucous carcinoma, temporal bone, drug therapy, genetic testing