


Authors Yang MF, Gao HN, Li LJ

Published Date September 2014 Volume 2014:10 Pages 759—762

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/TCRM.S67299

Received 6 May 2014, Accepted 10 June 2014, Published 30 September 2014

Abstract: Trichosporon asahi is an emerging opportunistic pathogen that is life-threatening particularly for immunosuppressed patients. Only a few studies have described Trichosporon  infection in kidney transplant recipients. This study reports a 67-year-old male kidney transplant recipient who developed fatal fungemia and pneumonia caused by T. asahii  during caspofungin treatment. Although funguria is benign, kidney transplant recipients are still at risk of T. asahii  fungemia and invasive T. asahii  infection even if they are under antifungal therapy, particularly echinocandins.
Keywords: funguria, organ transplant, opportunistic infection, invasive fungal infection, antifungal therapy