


Authors Yin ZQ, Ma LW, Xu JL, Xia JP, Luo D

Published Date July 2014 Volume 2014:8 Pages 957—961

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/DDDT.S67015

Received 30 April 2014, Accepted 17 May 2014, Published 16 July 2014

Abstract: Panax notoginseng  saponins (PNS) are a patented product in the People's Republic of China, and have extensive effects on the cardiovascular system. Here we report on four elderly patients (one male and three female) with drug eruption induced by PNS injection. All developed a sudden skin rash with pruritus from head to foot, and subsequently accepted hospitalization. In each case, PNS had been used for less than 1 week before appearance of the rash. No specific short-term medications or changes in diet or exposure to environmental factors immediately prior to appearance of the rash were identified. These four patients had some interesting features in common, ie, pustules, fever, and elevated circulating neutrophil counts, which required high-dose, long-term glucocorticoid therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first report of pustular drug eruption induced by PNS and provides a useful reference and warning for clinicians.
Keywords: pustule, drug eruption, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, Panax notoginseng  saponins