IF 收录期刊
pH 响应性脂质体可调节肿瘤缺氧以抑制线粒体呼吸,从而增强声动力疗法效果
Authors Zhang N, Tan Y, Yan L, Zhang C, Xu M, Guo H, Zhuang B, Zhou L, Xie X
Received 29 March 2020
Accepted for publication 17 July 2020
Published 6 August 2020 Volume 2020:15 Pages 5687—5700
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S256038
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single anonymous peer review
Peer reviewer comments 3
Editor who approved publication: Dr Mian Wang
Background and Purpose: Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) has been widely used for the noninvasive treatment of solid tumors, but the hypoxic tumor microenvironment limits its therapeutic effect. The current methods of reoxygenation to enhance SDT have limitations, prompting reconsideration of the design of therapeutic approaches. Here, we developed a tumor microenvironment-responsive nanoplatform by reducing oxygen consumption to overcome hypoxia-induced resistance to cancer therapy.
Methods: A pH-responsive drug-loaded liposome (MI-PEOz-lip) was prepared and used to reduce oxygen consumption, attenuating hypoxia-induced resistance to SDT and thereby improving therapeutic efficiency. Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) and fluorescence imaging (FI) of MI-PEOz-lip were evaluated in vitro and in breast xenograft tumor models. The pH-sensitive functionality of MI-PEOz-lip was applied for pH-triggered cargo release, and its capacity was evaluated. The MI-PEOz-lip-mediated SDT effect was compared with other treatments in vivo.
Results: MI-PEOz-lip was demonstrated to specifically accumulate in tumors. Metformin molecules in liposomes selectively accumulate in tumors by pH-responsive drug release to inhibit the mitochondrial respiratory chain while releasing IR780 to the tumor area. These pH-responsive liposomes demonstrated PAI and FI imaging capabilities in vitro and in vivo, providing potential for treatment guidance and monitoring. In particular, the prepared MI-PEOz-lip combined with ultrasound irradiation effectively inhibited breast tumors by producing toxic reactive singlet oxygen species (ROS), while the introduction of metformin inhibited mitochondrial respiration and reduced tumor oxygen consumption, resulting in excellent sonodynamic therapy performance compared with other treatments.
Conclusion: In this study, we present a novel strategy to achieve high therapeutic efficacy of SDT by the rational design of multifunctional nanoplatforms. This work provides a new strategy that can solve the current problems of inefficient oxygen delivery strategies and weaken resistance to various oxygen-dependent therapies.
Keywords: sonodynamic therapy, pH-responsive liposomes, tumor hypoxia relief, metformin, nanomedicine