
LncRNA MALAT1 通过下调 miR-23a 促进黑素瘤细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭


Authors Wang P, Hu L, Fu G, Lu J, Zheng Y, Li Y, Jia L

Received 11 February 2020

Accepted for publication 17 June 2020

Published 29 July 2020 Volume 2020:12 Pages 6553—6562

DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S249348

Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Ahmet Emre Eskazan

Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the relationship between long-chain non-coding RNA metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (lncRNA MALAT1)/miR-23a-23a and melanoma.
Patients and Methods: Fifty-two cases of corresponding non-tumor normal tissues and 109 cases (including 62 cases of primary melanoma and 47 cases of metastatic melanoma) were collected. Real-time fluorescent PCR quantified lncRNA MALAT1 and miR-23a, and counted the 3-year survival of high/low miR-23 and high/low lncRNA MALAT1 populations. We predicted the binding site according to the sequence information of lncRNA MALAT1 and miR-23a. lncRNA MALAT1 siRNA and miR-23a mimics vectors were constructed and transfected into melanoma cell lines respectively to observe their effects on cells.
Results: Compared with corresponding non-tumor normal tissues, lncRNA MALAT1 in melanoma tissue increased while miR-23a decreased. Compared with primary melanoma, metastatic melanoma was higher and miR-23a was lower. Downregulation of lncRNA MALAT1 caused upregulation of miR-23a, and lncRNA MALAT1 could bind to miR-23a. Downregulating lncRNA MALAT1 or upregulating miR-23a inhibited cell proliferation, migration and invasion and promoted apoptosis. Rescue experiments revealed that downregulation of miR-23a could offset cell changes caused by downregulation of lncRNA MALAT1.
Conclusion: lncRNA MALAT1 promotes malignant proliferation of melanoma cells through miR-23a.
Keywords: melanoma, long-chain non-coding RNA metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (lncRNA MALAT1), miR-23a, malignant proliferation

Figure 1 Increased lncRNA MALAT1A and decreased miR-23a are tied to...