IF 收录期刊
Authors Wang Y, Zhu L, Xia W, Wang F
Received 2 August 2018
Accepted for publication 16 October 2018
Published 26 November 2018 Volume 2018:10 Pages 6295—6303
DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S182436
Checked for plagiarism Yes
Review by Single-blind
Peer reviewers approved by Dr Colin Mak
Peer reviewer comments 2
Editor who approved publication: Dr Rituraj Purohit
Abstract: The lymphatic
drainage of the inner layers (mucosa and submucosa) and the outer layers (muscularispropria
and adventitia) of the thoracic esophagus is different. Longitudinal lymphatic
vessels and long drainage territory in the submucosa and lamina propria should
be the bases for bidirectional drainage and direct drainage to thoracic duct
and extramural lymph nodes (LN). The submucosal vessels for direct extramural
drainage are usually thick while lymphatic communication between the submucosa
and intermuscular area is usually not clearly found, which does not facilitate
transversal drainage to paraesophageal LN from submucosa. The right
paratracheal lymphatic chain (PLC) is well developed while the left PLC is
poorly developed. Direct drainage to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve LN and
subcarinal LN from submucosa has been verified. Clinical data show that lymph
node metastasis (LNM) is frequently present in the lower neck, upper
mediastinum, and perigastric area, even for early-stage thoracic esophageal
cancer (EC). The lymph node metastasis rate (LNMR) varies mainly according to
the tumor location and depth of tumor invasion. However, there are some crucial
LN for extramural relay which have a high LNMR, such as cervical paraesophageal
LN, recurrent laryngeal nerve LN, subcarinal LN, LN along the left gastric
artery, lesser curvature LN, and paracardial LN. Metastasis of thoracic
paraesophageal LN seems to be a sign of more advanced EC. This review gives us
a better understanding about the LNM and provides more information for
treatments of thoracic EC.
Keywords: esophageal
carcinoma, lymphatic, lymph node metastasis, lymphadenectomy, radiotherapy